The core team of CGMpartners has created a number of projects around the world, specially in Europe, South America and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
A new business requires taking into account all your strengths and opportunities, but also your weaknesses and menaces. This allows risk minimization and the ability to explore every presented opportunity. Considering this, the first thing to take into account is understanding who may need your product, service or solution.
Once that has been done, the next step is to create the ideal scenario for the project. This requires control over the legal aspects, giving the client's technical team full confidence that the solution will solve their problems, convincing customer management and shareholders that your solution is the best option for them, setting barriers for the competitors and agreements with the key suppliers.
The core team of CGMpartners has managed many projects around the world. From EPC to the Automotive sector; from Research and Development to Plant construction.
The aim of the Project management should not be to have everything under control, but to be sure that you are controlling whatever is deviating before it alters the project's deadline. It's also required to understand well all the elements that take part in the project to properly negociate the conditions to minimize future deviations. We recommend to use the Critical Chain philosophy, which allows the project's duration to be reduced.
The core team of CGMpartners has a strong engineering background and it has led engineering projects, either R+D, product design or EPC projects, including product industrialization, plant construction supervision and plants commissioning.
Experience is required to anticipate the required human resources and draw up the proper communication system to be sure information flows on time between the different elements in the project.
You may need to outsource some specific works, but you always need to be capable to evaluate the design process to validate the output.
Engineering, Quality and Production should always walk together, from their first steps until the last part is produced.
The CGMpartners team has developed, among others, Gas Engines (including mechanical design, electronic hardware and software), construction equipment (cleaning machines, tile cutting machines...), cryogenic tanks, automotion dewars, motorcycle engines, knuckle-bearing assy, train comfort improvements, automatic brake system, Liquefaction Plants, Regasification Plants, LNG-CNG fueling stations, vehicle cleaning trains, etc.